Sometimes you just have to say; "you know what.. Why not!" That's exactly what I though to myself when I chose the color for my Christmas manicure. I don't know how it came to me, but for some reason I thought it was cool to have a red manicure with ...

Sure I do love me a good manicure, but I have to admit, it comes with some disadvantages.. For example.. I hate the part when you are sitting in your comfy salon chair, smiling at the 2 ladies that are doing your nails.. but slowly you start realizing that they ...

One of my bad characters is that I'm messy.. And with messy I mean, if my head wasn't stuck to my body, I would have probably lost it a trizillion times! A positive side to this is that most of the time, messy people are creative. We "disorganized people" have the ...