We all do it and all have heard it.. The famous oh-so-creative question that is always asked at a first introduction when you meet someone. The question that will immediately put you in one of those thousands boxes.. So what do you do exactly? Yes, I am a blogger but as blogging is a way to blow off steam and to stay creative I also need a day time job to get in the Dirhams! Besides from working as fashion stylist for Harvey Nichols Dubai I also have a visual merchandising hat and a set designer hat! Over time there are so many cool projects I have worked on and the best ones have made it to my Behance portfolio. (In case you don’t know www.behance.net, it is one of the best platforms for creatives to showcase their work.) Below some images of the projects I have worked on in the past and for a little bit more.. check out my MORE page here.
Still want to see more than more? Check out my full Behance portfolio HERE
Fine jewellery window display for Bloomingdale’s Dubai
Design, and handmade production
Fine jewellery window display for Harvey Nichols Dubai
Set design and production for Harpers Bazaar art
Styling team for Harvey Nichols Dubai magazine
Styling team for Harvey Nichols Dubai magazine
Concept, set design and production for Shrekahnth SS15 campaign
Shadow drawings production for Emirates Woman – Dior shoot
More, and more and more… HERE!

So what do you exactly do again?? Portfolio
7 Sep