One of my very close friends, happens to also be the “king of Thobes”. I’m sure he doesn’t need an introduction here in Dubai, but for you outsiders.. I’m talking about Hatem Alakeel! Hatem Alakeel is the designer of TOBY, one of the first Thobe brands to kick ass and show something different in the region!
Last week my friend rose and I attended the event at Saks Fifth avenue to the reveal of the new face of TOBY! After DJ Bliss warmed us up with his slick beats, an impressive jury panel judged 13 pieces of eyecandy nominated Toby male customers, to finally pick Arash Mohammadi as the new face of Toby! And how couldn’t they! Arash honestly presented the perfect characteristics for Toby; Pretty, Masculine and modest! Tag Heuer, who was one of the sponsors of the event, gifted Toby’s new hotshot with a Tag Heuer Carrera watch. I even got very honoured when Hatem asked me if The lovely MC Karma could were one of my hand made jewellery pieces especially for his event! See below some of the shots!

The new face of TOBY!
11 Sep