After a nice stay in Holland and Belgium I'm writing this post in the train on my way back to Paris for... Fashion week! Today will be a Hectic, but super fun schedule! I'm meeting up with my dear friend Nicole, who is an Editor for ELLE Holland, will quickly pop in at ...
Archives for September 2012

This week I got lucky enough to participate in something super amazing.. Le plus grand défilé du monde! I got the opportunity to walk in the biggest fashion show in the world, that took place in the middle of the streets of Paris! 400 lucky ...

Check out some of the snapshots I took of Hasselts streetart in Belgium! ...

All creative people need something to rebel against, its what give their lives excitement. Ready to rebel? ...

YOU NEED A FASHION SHOWER! – Anna dello russo for H&M
If you don't know that Anna Dello Russo designed a line for H&M, you must have lived under a rock. H&M finally showed a preview on their website of the super super super super cool items designed by Anna. My favourite pieces are the shades! So in love with the ...

WHOOP WHOOP! I have finally arrived in Paris! A super busy schedule and so many things are about to come! Time to do a small eurotrip, by visiting the fashionable city antwerp in Belgium, my family in Holland, and last but not least, Fashionweek in Paris! Can't wait to ...

YES! I finally finalized the new layout for SIN! What do you guys think of the new look?? Get ready for a full on dose of fashion post! xo Sam ...

The new face of TOBY!
One of my very close friends, happens to also be the "king of Thobes". I'm sure he doesn't need an introduction here in Dubai, but for you outsiders.. I'm talking about Hatem Alakeel! Hatem Alakeel is the designer of TOBY, one of the first Thobe brands to kick ass and ...

NY Fashionweek – Jason Wu – Spring Summer 2013
New York fashion week has started, and I couldn't wait to see one of my favourite designer's fashion shows; Jason Wu! I'm obsessed with his elegant feminine clothes, and I get amazed every time I see his new collection. This time, I'm actually impressed as Jason ...

Quote of the day!
"Those who create are rare; those who cannot are numerous. Therefore, the latter are stronger." Coco Chanel ...